Our Services

Our Services

Market Opportunity Assessment

We analyze business opportunities including market size, competitiveness, barriers to entry, distribution channels, legal regulations, and customer needs. Based on this analysis, we then provide recommendations on the viability of new or expanded business for both the U.S. and Asian markets.

Strategy and business model development

Based on both the market opportunity assessment and client business objectives, we work with clients to formulate both an effective strategy and an ideal business model for maximizing goals. Each business model consists of one or a combination of the following options:

  • Strategic partnerships
  • Technology licensing
  • Wholly-owned subsidiary set-up
  • Licensing
  • Acquisition
  • Equity participation
  • Distribution configuration or re-configuration
  • Reorganization

PacificVision recommends the specific business model best suited to a company’s individual situation and goals.

Identification of Strategic Partnership Candidates

To implement the ideal business model, we identify, evaluate, and screen partnership candidates. This process includes research of publicly available information, analysis of PacificVision’s proprietary knowledge base, and face-to-face meetings with high-level managers at candidate partner companies.

Contract Negotiation

We assist our clients in creating a proposal to the partner candidates and we are closely involved in the negotiations with candidate companies. We attend all major meetings with clients’ partner candidates, help to identify and clarify key issues, and facilitate discussions.

Subsidiary/Joint Venture Set-up and Personnel Recruitment

When the best strategy is to establish a direct corporate presence in Japan, we assist clients with capitalization, office location selection, general manager recruitment, and implementation of the market entry plan.

Capital Funding

If clients seek capital participation or to be acquired by another company, PacificVision will identify and contact potential investors, makes proposals, and negotiates deals to meet client objectives.

Relationship Management

Once the deal is finalized, our team continues to help through Relationship Management, to make sure the partnership works smoothly and that any transitions are seamless.

Overseas Business Revitalization

To evaluate and revitalize an existing business our team analyzes, assesses, and appraises the current situation of the company’s business. We then produce new goals and benchmarks and work with the company to restructure its overseas business to achieve these.

PacificVision Partners LLC (PVP), is a professional firm assisting North American and Japanese companies in broad Industries in developing new business or restructuring existing business internationally.

We help companies forge strategic alliances as well as establish a direct presence overseas. We maintain an expansive network of highly placed, well-informed professionals and venture capitalists in both the U.S. and Japan.