PacificVision Partners LLC (PVP), is a professional firm assisting North American, Japanese and other Asian companies in the Information Technology (IT) Industry in developing new business or restructuring existing business internationally. We help companies forge strategic alliances as well as establish a direct presence overseas. PacificVision Partners’ U.S. clients are involved in emerging, rapid growth technologies and view expansion into Asia as a key step to long-term growth. Our professionals assist clients in developing their international strategies and implementing them to establish effective, profitable international strategic channels. PacificVision Partners’ Asian clients are companies that seek to leverage leading-edge technologies in North America in order to substantially expand or diversify their core businesses. We assist them in identifying new technologies or products in North America and in effectively structuring strategic relationships with these companies. Headquartered in San Francisco, PacificVision Partners maintains an expansive network of highly placed, well-informed IT professionals and venture capitalists in both the U.S. and Asia. We view this network as our greatest asset in building transnational business relationships.